Family Run Restaurants in Barcelona | Family Run Restaurants
Carrer Palau, 5, 08002
Province Barcelona
Comarca Barcelonès

Style Modern traditional
Cuisine Catalan
Owners Chiara, Daniele
“Chiara and Daniele opened Rasoterra in 2013 as a result of their unrelenting inquisitiveness. Both have a long history in hospitality and gastronomy, which led them to link their experience with their passion.”

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Mon. Closed
Tues. Closed
Weds. 13-16h, 19-23h
Thurs. 13-16h, 19-23h
Fri. 13-16h, 19-23h
Sat. 13-16h, 19-23h
Sun. 13-16h, 19-23h
Chiara and Daniele opened Rasoterra in 2013 as a result of their unrelenting inquisitiveness. Both have a long history in hospitality and gastronomy, which led them to link their experience with their passion. The duo promotes the idea of eating good food while respecting the planet. The innovative establishment offers a unique menu of 90% vegan and vegetarian cuisine, all of which is made from quality eco-friendly produce. The Barcelona Slow Food movement started here, which is becoming increasingly more popular over time. Customers can share a table if they like, and the waiters take the time to explain each dish, including its ingredients, their origins, and how they’re cooked and served. To drink are a fine selection of freshly squeezed juice and sulphate-free wine, as well as fantastic sake, Vall d’Aran cider, and Catalan gin.