Family Run Restaurants in La Cerdanya | Family Run Restaurants
Cal Jet
Carrer Major, 12, 17539
Province Girona
Comarca Alta Cerdanya

Style Modern traditional
Cuisine Catalan
Owners David, Sandra
“This oddly named restaurant has been a hotel for many years. The owners, husband and wife team David and Sandra, kept the name of the business and added “bistrot de muntanya” (mountain bistro) to evoke the traditional food halls of the area.”

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Mon. 13-16h.
Tues. 13-16h.
Weds. Tancat
Thurs. 13-16h.
Fri. 13-16h., 20-23h.
Sat. 13-16h., 20-23h.
Sun. 13-16h.
This oddly named restaurant has been a hotel for many years. The owners, husband and wife team David and Sandra, kept the name of the business and added “bistrot de muntanya” (mountain bistro) to evoke the traditional food halls of the area. Together, they spent more than 20 years working in the restaurant business in Costa Brava, Barcelona, and La Cerdanya, until they finally established their own place in Ger to offer their personal take on traditional Catalan cuisine. By combining classical French cooking techniques, traditional regional recipes, and local mountain produce, they’ve managed to create their own distinct identity. Traditional chargrill techniques allow them to elaborate many of the dishes on the menu, which they blend with more contemporary methods to preserve the authentic flavours of the produce.